Sunday, December 2, 2007


Sun sinks in the sea
The birds have left the island
Open up, red earth


Two feet on the ground
He follows her soft voice
Taking his first steps


I want to come first
Having to die anyway
Me, the first snowflake


The birds hide in trees
The forest has turned silent
Hunting Season starts


The plants are thirsty
The cat has to hunt for food
An old lady dies


Hands grip the handle
Beads of sweat are trickling down
The train has long gone


Looking through the blue
Silently screaming for help
Wishing I had gills


A blank white paper
The rancid taste of pure ink
There's nothing to write


Two steps and a trip
Seven human fingers
Ten empty shot glasses


Ear muffs, shattered glass
Resisting the urge to boo
It's Karaoke Night


So the themes for most of them are obvious, which is contrary to the Haiku styles I've witnessed where, the harder to figure out WHAT it means, the better it is.
I thought of writing the themes before each piece, but I figured it ruins the effect.

If you can't figure out a particular theme/mood ask me in the comments section.

By the way, this is my first attempt, so what I grasped from the concept of Haiku could leave a lot to be desired.
Please don't let it be my last. (a.k.a be nice)


All written text is copyright of the writer/owner - © Arvind


Ms. Lane said...

Ok. You just gave me a huge complex!
I can't decide which I like best. I think I like 3,7 and 8.
I did Haiku in my creative writing class it was so much fun back then we would come up with the craziest of things.
I don't think you need to be illusive in haiku, although thats what most famous haiku poems seem like, its probably because it originated in
And I think its sort of nice that your themes are direct and easy to grasp.I hope you write some more.

Anisha Jayadevan said...

Ey, it's simbly brilliant,ra.

Woke up one day and
Told the world he'd write haiku.
He wasn't lying.

They nodded their heads
In admiration, in awe.
Dumbfounded, speechless.

Anisha Jayadevan said...

Aren't they supposed to be of seventeen syllables though?

Arvind said...

@ Rini -

I hope I write more too..
I'm thankful to the Japanese for the small pleasures in life, like Haiku for instance, anime and women shorter than me.. :P

@ Mr. Toothbrush -
Actually it goes more like this;

Was bored during class
A pen met the paper and
Created magic

And yes yes.. I know the 17 syllables n all that, but I was tired of writing & I really didn't feel like perfecting anything.. And more importantly, I didn't want to go through what I'd already written.. I hate doing that..

Bleh! Anyway, thanks for awakening the perfectionist in me..
The Haiku has been duly modified, thanks to me taking the day off from class anyway and having nothing else to do..
And I DON'T want to apply the 5-7-5 rule.. I just improvised.. :)

Au revoir!

Arvind said...

Damnit Mr. Toothbrush!
You sure know how to save the day..

All haiku is now in accordance with the 5-7-5 rule, except one where I've used 5-6-6..

I shall be off to clean my teeth now..

Anisha Jayadevan said...

*I'm* not Mr.Toothbrush.

I used to be the Spoon Assassin, but that's a different story.

Hood,cape and flashy
Smiles. Upside-down reflections.
The Spoon Assassin.

Gah. Bunking school to study never works out.

Mnaz said...

writes lines,sensible
wanders alone
mystical chinese riddles
gay ass mistrel :p

jokes apart...sometimes they have to

it was really good maestro..didnt know you had it in you..

sirbarrett said...

These are a lot of fun. I like how they aren't completely incoherent like some haiku poems are. There is something at work that you can figure out if you take the time and they have good images. I'd say you're off to a brilliant start.